How can we help you?

  • Employer Center Access

    Once you are set up with an Employer-Account, there are three ways to access the EC to start managing your company profile:

    1. Glassdoor for Employers:
      1. Sign in to Wellcareer for Employers located at the top of the page
        1. (Note: From sign-in, you will be redirected to the community home page). 
      2. Navigate back to  Wellcareer for Employers
      3. Click Employer Center located in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
    2. Glassdoor Home Page:
      1. Sign in to  Wellcareer 
        1. (Note: From sign-in, you will be redirected to the community home page).
      2. Click on the Profile Icon located in the upper right-hand corner of the page. 
      3. Click Employer Center in the drop-down menu.
    3. Company Profile Page: 
      1. From your company's profile page, click Admin Tools located at the top of the page (above your company name).
      2. Select Go to Employer Center in the drop-down menu.
  • Employer Resource Center

    Utilize the Employer Resource Center, located in the bottom-right corner of your Employer Center, to access instructional videos, webinars, and onboarding guides. For more information, please see Employer Resource Center

  • Employer Center Home
    • The Home tab, located in the upper-left corner of the Employer Center, serves as your landing page. Additional tabs are available on the left-hand side, with corresponding tiles displayed in the center of the page.
  • Employer Profile

    The Employer Profile tab provides multiple profile editing options including company overview, benefits, logo, and more. Check out this article on updating your Employer Profile.

  • Settings

    The Settings tab manages your employer profile, email preferences, and user access. 

    Key Features: 

    • Email Preferences: Update your preferred email address and subscription options for Employer Center communications. 
    • Manage Users: View a list of employees with access to your Employer Center and their roles. Administrators can edit or remove accounts and invite coworkers to join via the Invite Co-Workers button. Invited employees receive automatic access through a Free Employer Account, bypassing the standard approval process.
    • API Keys: Connect your Sprout Social account with Wellcareer.
    • Alert History: Manage the Alerts you have received in the last 90 days.
    • Language Preferences: Allows you to select the country/language you would like to view the site in.